Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Why do we celebrate St. Patricks Day?

St. Patrick is Ireland’s patrol and national apostle; the man responsible for introducing Christianity to that country.

The Saint is also well known for driving snakes away for the island. However, scientific studies indicate that snakes never lived on the island. An alternative version narrates that serpent symbols were commonly used in pagan religions, so it is possible that “driving away the snakes” symbolized the fact St. Patrick eradicated pagan practices in Ireland.

Irish people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day March 17 in memory of St. Patrick, since historians predict he died that date in Saul, Downpatrick, Irlanda in 460A.C. That day they attend mass, pray and celebrate spiritual revival, befote they start the party.

Even though this celebration has spread throughout the world, few places maintain the spiritual side of the celebration. In fact, the date is more commonly associated with Irish symbols like: color green and gold, little men, and specially, a loooooot of beer.

Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day in your city? How is it celebrated?

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