Thursday, March 06, 2008

Why say goodbye, if I am always coming back?

I have said goodbye so many times that I have lost count of how many there have been. However, there are less and less tears shed every time I leave, because I always end up coming back.

Two year ago, I said goodbye to Spain, a couple of months back, farewell to Argentina, and now, I say good-bye to Houston and “hello” again to Buenos Aires, the city that always awaits me with open arms, this time for longer (I hope).

I still have a couple of pending stories from the US: the trip to NASA, the adventures through the streets of New Orleans, my experience at the ice hockey game…

But I will intermingle these remaining articles with other stories in Argentina and stories from my collaborators, since that is the way our memory works: it continuously mixes the present with past experiences.

This way, with a letter that says “good-bye” and “hello” at the same time, I open a new chapter to this Surrealistic Life, this time, from Argentina.

Hope you continue to enjoy it!
Best wishes,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent articles; very interesting and well written. J.Grays