Tuesday, October 24, 2006

China, The Land of Eternal Mystery

China… China… China…

Even though the media often publishes stories about this remote place, China continues to be a complete mystery.

We imagine what it would be like to walk on The Great Wall, the only human construction that can be seen from outer space; we ask ourselves if Chinese people actually eat scorpions, and we frequently refer to it when we are confused, especially during exams…

I thought things were going to change once I got to China. But after being there, that country continues to be a mystery.

Beijing is one of China’s most important cities. However, it has a town feel to it.

While walking down the street, you come across people playing cards on the sidewalks, people taking naps in the parks or any other place where they can sit and rest their heads… (I am serious! Chinese people are able to sleep in any position practically anywhere!) We could learn a lot from them!

You can also buy fruits and vegetables in any corner of the city: from one of the vendors who has built the store in the front of his house, or the one who carries the fruit in the back of his bike. You choose. It’s your call.

If you have some spare time, you can even get a hair cut on the street-side. Just walk in front of one of the men sitting on the sidewalk with a comb and a shaver, greet them, sit on their chair, and let them do their job while pedestrians walk around you. :)

There is not doubt. There is no place alike.

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